Wednesday, December 4, 2013

911 Dispatcher Heard Snoring On Tape As He Falls Asleep During Call

The most common reason for not falling asleep easily is having racing thoughts or a noisy mind. When constantly rethinking of our day or reliving difficult experiences, it is impossible to fall asleep. Furthermore, when we finally fall asleep in such a state, we are likely to wake up easily.

Simply scan with your awareness over your body, begin from top to bottom until you reach the desired experience of relaxation. All you have to do is go from one part of the body to the next, asking it to relax in a soothing voice. Don't forget to go from head to toe, relaxing every part including the limbs, shoulders, stomach, neck, face, eyes, and (very important), your jaw.

Write: For many insomnia sufferers the problem with resting your head on that pillow is the flood of information your brain tries to process all at once. Some people even suffer headaches from the amount of thoughts that consume them at this time. One of the best tricks out there is to take a notebook to bed with you. Have a candle or nightlight to write by. (Just make sure it is on or in a fire safe holder.) When those ideas, thoughts, and/or feelings start flooding in; simply write them all down. Focus is an incredible how to fall asleep weapon against sleeplessness. You may find that your new problem is that you can't finish writing before your head hits the notebook!

Teething and illnesses make the problem worse. You should have something to rub on to sore gums when your babys teeth start to push through. Colic can also interrupt babies and sleeping soundly so you should also have medicines for this illness as well. If you are a despairing parent with a wakeful child, just remember that it won't always be like this. After the first six months babies and sleeping habit will how to sleep become more regular.

If it's not your mattress that is causing you to lose sleep, you might consider springing for new sheets. If you are SERIOUS about your sleep, and want to sleep like a PRO, check out SHEEX performance sheets (, recommended by the National Sleep Foundation.

People who have never suffered from insomnia, sleeplessness, or sleep deprivation really cannot empathize with those of us who suffer chronically from it. We call ourselves night owls light sleepers parents students the list of excuses for our lack of rest can be as how to fall asleep fast endless as our nights.

Turn down the lights. Our bodies and brains are programed to create different chemical reactions at different points during the day. For us "night owls" it seems that the onset of dusk creates an alarm system of alertness. Ease your body into the transition by eliminating the light earlier and longer. Resort to using natural sunlight coming through the windows. Pull the shades during summer months to compensate for the longer days. When you would normally flip on the light switch, stop yourself and light a candle in the room instead. This is a more soothing andrelaxing form of light.

Prime Numbers- If you are a "numbers" person, you may appreciate a technique I learned from my good friend, D.B. Harper. Her technique involves a slow, patient counting of the prime numbers.. until you fall asleep. There really doesn't need to be a number limit on this.. and it may not work for everyone.. but some are soothed by the process of looking at the numbers and following this series. If prime numbers are not your thing, it can still be helpful to count as high as possible by twos.. or fives..etc. For math junkies, it may be fun to count backwards by 12's, or even make up your own math "journey". The point is to focus your brain on a series that is fairly easy for you to follow, but captures your focus, indefinitely.

Although medication may help your sleep, there may be potential side effects that may be devastating in the long run. Try to stick to the first two tips mentioned before. Have a good nights sleep!

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